Time is certainly a necessary factor when it comes to healing. Even tough it may take away some of the pain, sadness, or other negative emotions related with an experience, time on its own is not a healer.
Whether you are going through a breakup, sadness the loss of a loved one, or going through something else emotionally taxing, lots of of other crucial factors are involved in the healing process.
Time goes really, really slowly when you’re hurting. Ever notice how painfully slowly time moves when you’re sitting illness in a hospital? Or when you’ve got a headache, and you’re waiting for the painkiller to kick in? The same rules occurs when you’re in emotional agony. “Time heals all wounds” is like a slap in your face when minutes feel like hours, hours feel like days, and so on.
Sometimes things get worse before they get better. Ask many person who have suffered a significant loss, and they’ll inform you that the initial shock and pain — while agonizing — wasn’t the most hard time for them. That may come weeks or even months later, when the facts of life without a loved one starts to set in (and those who supported them through the early days of the loss take a step back).
The sense that you can never, ever talk with this person again — never touch them, hear the voice, or feel the experience of life you did with them — has begun to sink in.
We can even stretch out the metaphor of sadness as a wound here: Horror and disbelief session through you in the seconds after you receive a bad cut or break a bone, but the pain only sets in later, once the numbness of shock fades. Such is often the case with grief, too.
Healing time is fragile, whether you are healing emotionally or physically. You are irritable, sensitive, and more susceptible to infection. You may have a habit of picking at open wounds, even if you know better.
In times of emotional healing, you have to make a conscious effort not to pick at yourselves, or else you can’t expect to heal the right way. Continuously replaying tragic events or inventing “what-if” scenarios can be especially harmful to you when you are in this vulnerable state of mind. You have to keep in mind to take care of yourselves during the healing process
No matter how much time passes, or how well you heal, your wounds leave you with scars. Emotional scars can be worst sometimes. In your search for answers, you may be lead down unknown paths, some of which can be very dangerous.
You have to ask the questions that will lead you to the correct answers. You may consider how time have an impact on your individual grief. You consider how your perception could change. You know that simply believing in something doesn’t make it true.
Faith leaves your hearts open to the possibility that something could be true. Healing comes from new perspectives, which need time to create. There is trully no simple way to explain that. So here it is again: Time heals all wounds.