Tips to remove your oily skin

Habits That Could Be Making Your Oily Skin Even Oilier

2 min readDec 16, 2020


You know how they say you can’t have too much of a good thing? Tell that to someone with oily skin and see if they agree. We need oil to keep our skin soft and to maintain the barrier that keeps moisture in and environmental irritants out. But too much oil feels greasy, looks shiny, and leads to acne breakouts.

Those with oily skin know the struggle of having to keep blotting, washing and mattifying their face only to still have a layer of shine on the surface. While your skin might be oily thanks to genetics, your lifestyle might have some say in how it plays out. First things first? Find out if your skin type really is oily.

You’re skipping moisturiser

Even if you have oily or combination skin, skipping moisturiser is a major no-no. If you have oily skin and especially if you’re using an oil-controlling face wash or toner, it is important to use a hydrator. Use a light water-based moisturiser that works for your skin to prevent it from over-drying. If your face wash or toner over-dries your skin, your skin will compensate by producing more oil in return. Hence, make sure you don’t strip the skin completely off its natural oils.

Heavy beauty products

Using a lot of makeup too often or using heavy cream-based products tend to block the pores and increase oil production, making your skin oily. Use a salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide-based face wash or a toner with salicylic acid to control the oil production of your skin. If you have very oil skin with open pores, you can use a night cream containing adapalene or azelaic acid to help with controlled oil production.

You’re stressed out

Androgens, which are the hormones responsible for oil production, can fluctuate during puberty, pregnancy, menopause and if you have imbalanced hormones like in the case of PCOS. Stress can up these levels, and when coupled with cortisol, can result in the sebum production going into overdrive. The fight or flight system causes perspiration to increase, and capillary function to decrease as the blood flow leaves the skin and goes to the internal organs and brain. Eventually, this leads to the skin producing more sebum.

Over-washing your face

By the same logic, it’s important not to go overboard with cleansing. Wash your face as often as you feel the need and when it starts feeling oily. Always, always remember to wash your face immediately after you work out; this will not only help control oil production but also reduce your chances of breaking out.

How To Get Rid Of Oily Skin | Oily Skin Treatments And Tips



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