How do I Start Going Vegan?

3 min readSep 25, 2021


So you’ve decided that you’d like to start going vegan, but where do you begin? Transitioning to a vegan lifestyle can seem trully daunting, but frequently the thought of a big lifestyle change is a lot scarier than actually practice it. If you concentrate on making one change at a time the progression to veganism will feel quite natural. It’s essential to go at your own pace and to decide on a method that works best for you.

Make sure you don’t miss out on crucial nutrients. Just because you’re vegan that doesn’t mean you’re totally 00% healthy, as there are vegan versions of almost every type of junk food you can think of. As long as you consume a wide variety of tasty plant foods, planning a healthy diet that incorporates all the vitamins and nutrients you need will be a breeze.

1. Go Slow

One of the easiest mistakes people make when going vegan is thinking it has to be done overnight. It doesn’t! It’s totally allright to take it slowly. Whilst it’s fantastic if you want to adopt a vegan diet all at once, it’s also great to begin by just cutting down on your consumption of animal products.

Taking simple steps to start like consuming meat-free for one day a week, or one meal per day can be much more achievable than going fully vegan at first. Start with this, then progress to eating more vegan meals as you begin feeling comfortable with it.

And keep in mind: be kind to yourself! You’re bound to fall off the wagon occasionally while you’re still new to this and that’s ok — it will get easier with time!

2. Don’t Focus on What You Can’t Eat

When people go vegan, they usually focus on what they’re cutting out of their diet, which is a sure-fire way to make yourself miserable! Instead of thinking about how much you miss cheese, think about what you can enjoy instead.

For every food you’re worried about giving up, take some time to looking out an alternative you love. Meat alternatives like the Beyond Burger have grown incredibly popular in the last couple of years, and there are a wealth of dairy alternatives out there too, like tons of nut-based cheeses. and Coconut Bliss Ice Cream. With a little experimenting, you’ll find some new products you love.

What Exactly is a Vegan?

3. Get Organised

Yes, changing your diet can seem like hard work, but it doesn’t have to be! Studying how to go vegan, and how to stick with it for good, is pretty easy if you just get a little organised. It sounds boring lifestyle, but things like food planning all really help here.

Plan the foods you’re going to cook ahead of time, and shop intentionally for them with a list. Always shop on a full stomach — that way you’ll be less tempted by all the treats! If you’re having trouble knowing what to buy, just googling it.



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