Is It Worth Getting Eyebrows Waxed?

2 min readDec 31, 2021


Eyebrow waxing involves applying a thin layer of hot wax over the eyebrow hairs that need to be removed. A thin piece of paper and a small amount of gentle pressure is applied over the wax, then quickly withdrawn, bringing the eyebrow hairs with it.

eyebrow waxing

Getting your eyebrows done professionally for the first time is just like a rite of passage. This may sound fool, but it’s about time you graduate from an over-picked girl, to a beautiful and properly waxed young woman. Yes, it’s a big deal, and you don’t want to take the experience lightly.

As female who have been getting the brows professionally polished for years, I can tell you precisely what to expect throughtout this time.

Eyebrow waxing works by using warm (not hot) wax to the fields of unwanted hair. Once the wax is applied to the direction of hair growth, a cloth strip is placed firmly on top. After a few seconds, the cloth is fastly pulled off in the opposite direction that the hair grows.

Eyebrow waxing pros

  • waxing takes more less time to do than pulling out each your hair at once with tweezers
  • smoother results because dead skin cells can be exfoliated throughtout the process

Eyebrow waxing cons

  • eyebrow hairs may developed within a couples weeks
  • over-waxing may can crush your hair follicles
  • depending on female tolerance to pain, may be uncomfortable compared to tweezing and threading
  • Possible temporary redness, swelling, and irritation

Waxing is widely available and is usually recommended for those who find threading more painful. It’s fast, and gives good results. Most people find that, over time and through repeated wax treatments, their brow hairs tend to feel softer and smoother. Waxing is also very useful for people with thick eyebrows, as it can remove a lot of hair at once.

However, it is a bit difficult to get a very precise finish with waxing. It’s also not suitable for some women, including those with sensitive skin, those undergoing chemical peels, or those using retinol (an ingredient in some anti-aging creams).



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