About one in thirteen person have participated in at least 1 in multi-level marketing (MLM) — somewhile referred to as direct sales or network marketing, organization throughout their lifetime, according to the AARP Foundation. But do these people trully make money by doing multi-level marketing? What’s the facts likelihood of MLM success?
Jon M. Taylor, Ph.D., founder of the Consumer Awareness Institute, set out to answer those questions by conducting comprehensive study and analysis of the compensation plans of more than 400 MLM business. Jon compiled his findings in a 2011 ebook, “The Case (For And) Against Multi-Level Marketing,” which can be found on on the Federal Trade Commission’s website.
More recently, the AARP foundation held a research that explores the mindset, expectations, and experiences of MLM participants and released the results in a report titled, “Multi-level Marketing: The Research, Risks, and Rewards.”Both researches recommend that while it’s possible to see success with an MLM business, it’s not common.
Multilevel marketing is a kind of business method that uses an army of everyday salespeople to sell and distribute items and services. Instead of selling items in a retail or brick-and-mortar environment (or directly to consumers), these business offer people a method to begin their own businesses and make a revenue— without having to start from scratch.
Is MLM business worth doing? The answer to this question rely on you. The most necessary question to ask yourself is “Why?” Why do you need to join the MLM business? If you’re searching for a supplemental income, look elsewhere.
Most people join MLMs in the hopes that they can help make money for their family. That’s a good reason. But the end result and the success with the MLM business all depend on your personality style, skill sets and even your network of society. If you’re looking for extra cash, it might be better for you to discover a stable part-time job with a trusted company.
Otherwise, there’s nothing wrong with reputable, respectable multilevel marketing companies. As long as you do your study, aware what you’re getting into, and know precisely how much you want to invest (and when you’ll get a return on your investment), just go for it! But keep in mind, most MLMs are more about the sales and recruiting side of business than anything else. If you’re a salesperson at heart, this may be the proper thing for you.