Symptoms of Ovulation That Help Detect Your Most Fertile Time

3 min readNov 3, 2021


Thinking about getting pregnant and have a child? Then it’s time to get acquainted with the ovulation. Just as menstrual cycles are distinction for each woman, so is ovulation. By studying to recognize the signs of ovulation, you’ll be able to time sex with your spouse accordingly to improve the odds of getting pregnant.

Symptoms of ovulation

Even if you’re not attempting to conceive right at this moment, having a better understanding of ovulation symptoms, can give you a clearer picture of your menstrual cycle, and assist you spot any abnormal ovulation signs down the line. (In fact, some female track their ovulation patterns as a contraception way to avoid getting pregnant.)

Wondering what exactly occurs during ovulation, which signs of ovulation to look out for, and how those ovulation signs might make you feel?

Ovulation signs aren’t difficult to notice. Once you recognize what to look for, you’ll be surprised how handy it can be. Just about every female trying to get pregnant, wants to know when it’s ovulation day. Ovulation is when an egg is launched from the ovary. When the egg is ovulated, you need sperm waiting in the fallopian tubes available to fertilize that egg.

Ideally, sexual intercourse should happen before the moment of ovulation, in order to boost your odds of conception. Female are most fertile in the days leading up to ovulation. If you can have intercourse throughtout this time, your opportunity of getting pregnant that cycle will go up considerably.

Some ovulation symptoms indicate that ovulation is approaching. This permits you to time sex for pregnancy. Others let you know that ovulation has passed. This can be reassuring, offering you confidence that you did ovulate.

Watch for body changes

Your hormone levels change during your menstrual cycle. Throughtout the first half, your ovaries give off the hormone estrogen. When your estrogen levels get high enough, your ovary launch an egg. Then your body begin to make progesterone, another hormone. It causes your body temperature rise slightly.

Your hormones change the texture of your cervical mucus also, the sticky fluid that comes from your cervix, the bottom of your uterus. As your body gets prepare to ovulate, you have more of it, and it feels more stretchy and slippery, like raw egg whites. The texture support sperm swim inside your body. When your mucus feels like this, you should be in your fertile window.

Changes in body temperature

When you’ve just ovulated, your body heat temperature may increase very slightly, by about half a degree Celsius. If you’re using temperature as a means of holding track of when you are most fertile, you need to use a special thermometer, to take your temperature each morning before you get out of bed. If you record the readings daily using a graph or a spreadsheet, it’s possible to studying your pattern over time. The time when you are most fertile is two to three days before the rise in temperature.

Changes in mucus

Noticing how your vaginal secretions change throughtout your menstrual cycle is the basis of the Billings ovulation method. While the time of ovulation, you may notice your secretion is stretchy, clear, and slippery , similar to egg whites. After ovulation, when the chances of becoming pregnant drop, the secretion tends to become thick and cloudy, or disappear entirely.

