Are you thinking about starting a business? Good for you but daydreaming and planning are two very different things. If the focus of your entrepreneurial daydreams is centered around the millions you will make, you may need to take a step back and consider your motives when choosing a business to start. The reality is that most businesses do not make millions in their first year of operations nor even in their first five years of business. Of course, it is possible, and you should aim high, but not without sound planning, financial backing, and a genuine passion for your products and services.
A good businesswoman possesses positive qualities that help her propel to success. Businesswomen are slowly gaining equal footing with their male counterparts. In many areas, the days when men used to dominate the world of big businesses and huge corporations are waning. The opinion of women (whether in high heels and red lipstick or more gender neutral attire) is sought more frequently; this occurs in boardrooms and local chambers of commerce. Women leaders and entrepreneurs possess the following qualities:
The modern woman entrepreneur has a healthy level of self confidence and believes in her ability and skills. Self doubt is part of being human, but a confident business woman is able to put these into proper perspective. She does not personalize mistakes or criticism but uses them instead as feedback and opportunities for improvement.
Ambitious and Goal-Oriented
A successful businesswoman has a clear vision. Her vision is ambitious but realistic and attainable. The drive to transform her vision to reality is strong and all her decisions are made towards achieving the company’s mission and vision. She is always on the lookout to improve the company’s standing (whether as an employee or business owner).
Willingness to Learn
The successful businesswoman is willing to adapt to changes and learn new ways to thrive amidst the changes. A good example is the use of new technology. A good business woman will learn to be technologically competent and not dependent upon male counterparts or act in stereotypical ways.
Entrepreneurs need to be bold enough to create new plans, rules and organizations when the status quo is no longer enough. She creates a modern twist to traditional ways in running a business by asking questions and recognizing the talent in other people. Smart businesswomen know that the key to business success is being able to collaborate with others and form win/win situations.