What Causes Large Pores on Your Face?

3 min readJul 2, 2024


Beauty woman with healthy glowing skin naturally

Just as human skin types are not universal, your skin pores are also unique. Skin pores come in different types and sizes, large, small, clogged, clear etc. And whatever type of pores you have, you’ve probably seen a ton of information out there about how to “shrink pores.”
The truth is, you can’t shrink your pores and honestly, you can’t get rid of them. These pores exist for a reason. But you can make it appear smaller. So, if you think large pores are a big deal, the fact is they’re not.

So, what causes large pores? There are several reasons why you have enlarged pores. Genetic factors aside, pores can become more visible when your skin experiences:
- Aging
We really can’t help with this, but using the right skin care products to keep your pores clean and free of dirt helps your skin look clear and smooth, whether you’re 17 or 70.
- Sun damage
Excessive sun exposure can cause your skin pores to look larger and oilier.
- Comedogenic makeup & skin care
Pores that are clogged with dirt, oil and dead skin cells can cause the pores to appear larger. If your makeup or skincare product is non-comedogenic, your pores will not become clogged.

Larger pores are often visible on your nose because the T-Zone (forehead, nose and chin) usually produces more oil. Makeup, sweat, and dirt are the biggest causes of pore blockage which can lead to large pores. Since you may have larger pores on your nose than other parts of your face, it is very important to wash your face thoroughly before bed to ensure your facial pores are clean.

You can open and close your pores. Is it true? Well, not exactly. Pores do expand and stretch, but they don’t necessarily “open and close” like the windows in your house. You may have heard that treatments like steaming and high temperatures will “open” your pores, but this isn’t actually the case. What these treatments can do is soften the skin and make it easier to remove buildup on the skin and allow dirt in the pores to escape.

You Can Eliminate Pores Completely. Is this true? No. You can’t remove your pores and you shouldn’t, you don’t want to. The pores help you sweat, cool your body, and keep your skin looking healthy. They produce moisturizing oil called sebum which keeps your skin soft and supple. They are very important to help your body function. The pores are not going anywhere, and that’s a good thing.

Large pores can look different for different people. Everyone has pores and everyone’s skin is unique. What may look like large pores to one person may not look like large pores to another. But pores of all sizes need to be properly looked after to look their best.

How to Treat Large Pores and Oily Skin

