What Could Trigger a Cold Sore?

2 min readJun 14, 2022


Painful cold sores, open blisters that develop in or around your mouth, usually on your lips. Once you’ve had a cold sore, you’re likely to have more during your lifetime.

Cold sore

That is because cold sores are caused by a virus known as herpes simplex virus (HSV-1). After you get an HSV infection, the virus travels to nearby nerve cells where it can lie dormant for a long period of time.

When triggered, the virus can begin to replicate again, causing another cold sore.
It can be difficult to predict what triggers a cold sore, and they may appear at the worst possible times.
But studies have identified some common triggers.

  1. Stress
    Research has shown that feeling under pressure or stress can have a physical effect on you. If you’re wondering if stress causes cold sores, the answer is yes. When we are under mental pressure, our immune system suffers. This gives the dormant cold sore virus the opportunity to replicate itself and cause havoc in the form of blisters.
  2. Cold weather
    Cold weather can trigger a cold sore. Changes in temperature and humidity can impair your body’s ability to prevent the virus from forming blisters. Dry air and cooler winter temperatures, as well as wind can cause your lips to dry out, making them more prone to blister outbreaks.
  3. Fatigue
    Fatigue is another possible answer when it comes to the question, what causes an outbreak of cold sores? Feeling tired and weak can make you more susceptible to cold sores. Lower energy stores put a strain on your immune system, making it more difficult for your body to deal with viruses, including cold and flu viruses. Quality rest is key to helping your body fight off the virus and preventing it from producing symptoms in the form of blisters. There are many things that can interfere with a good night’s rest — from stress to too much caffeine.
  4. Hormone changes
    The ups and downs of hormones during the natural menstrual cycle can also be the cause of canker sores. Cold sores often occur before or during menstruation as a result of hormonal changes. Some women also have outbreaks during pregnancy.
  5. Weakened immune system
    The cold sore virus lives dormant in your mouth area in the nerve cells. But while your immune system normally makes sure that the virus doesn’t replicate and cause blisters, if it’s busy fighting off viruses or other infections, such as a cold or flu, you may experience a cold sore outbreak.

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