Some people have been digital nomads for years. The digital nomad lifestyle suits them because it allows them to explore the world while advancing their career. Many of them previously lived in large cities and worked in companies. Nomads value many aspects of their pre-nomadic lives, such as having a good job, being close to friends and family, and enjoying access to new experiences that living in the City offers.
While nomads could be said to “have it all” on paper, something was missing. Many of them never felt settled in the city, and thought it was because they never wanted to. They want to explore further, set their own schedules, and be the boss of their own lives — none of which is possible in a corporate gig.
Before they became Digital Nomads, they read a lot about long-term travelers and people who were already living this kind of life. As the idea of Digital Nomadism becomes more popular, they become obsessed with researching the lifestyle. There are articles about remote work groups like Remote Year — which promise a year of glamorous travel without having to quit your day job.
For some time, research on the topic of Digital Nomadism has been pure voyeurism. Sometimes nomads never thought they would have the courage to quit a good, stable job, and cared too much about what other people thought, so they did just that. But as time goes by, the desire to travel becomes greater. Many nomads are very afraid when they officially decide to take this leap, but deep down, they know that it is the right decision to make.
The Nomads quit their corporate jobs and left the city where they lived. Some of the nomads have built freelance businesses and are now full time remote Event Producers.
This means that becoming a Digital Nomad is the best decision for them, and perhaps for you too. Before deciding to take the leap and live the nomadic life, it’s important to do your research and consider not only the benefits of a nomadic lifestyle but also the difficulties.
Living the life of a nomad is the dream of some people, but it’s important to be aware of the compromises that come with it. It’s not always the glamorous lifestyle depicted on social media by influencers, vloggers, and remote work companies. Despite the many benefits, there are also challenges to consider.
If you are thinking about becoming a digital nomad, it is important to have a realistic understanding of what to expect. This list is not intended to discourage you, but rather to inform you of some important considerations.
You must be adaptable and capable of working independently. You’ll also need to be prepared for the practical challenges of life on the road, like finding reliable Wi-Fi and dealing with time zone differences. By taking the time to think about these factors, you can make a more informed decision regarding whether a nomadic lifestyle is right for you.